
Monday Apr 29, 2024
ACCURX in Scotland
Monday Apr 29, 2024
Monday Apr 29, 2024
In this episode, we meet Emma Lynas and Dr Satya Raghuvanshi, to discuss how Accurx has evolved from a clinical decision support tool for antibiotic prescribing into a comprehensive communication platform for healthcare professionals and patients, facilitating various communication needs, such as sending SMS messages, conducting remote consultations, and managing patient enquiries. It is in 98% practices in England, and has been integrated with the new Vision system for Scotland, and can be used as a tool for total triage as well as for messaging.
Accurx’s features include SMS messaging, structured data capture for patient consultations, and collaboration tools for healthcare teams. The platform is able to adapt to different care settings and patient preferences, offering a digital-first approach while supporting traditional communication methods. We discussed potential concerns about overwhelming healthcare practices with increased demand, how to minimise this, emphasizing Accurx's focus on supporting practices in managing their capacity effectively, and also a phased implementation approach, tailored to each practice's readiness and needs, along with the support provided by implementation and support teams.
Accurx for Primary Care Accurx on X.
How to send a pathway to a patient
How to send a Florey questionnaire to a patient
Accurx: a quick summary of total triage
Ivy Medical Group: How an Accurx total triage model has helped staff and patients
Register for the SNUG Virtual Members’ Day 2024
Any feedback or comments are welcome via email: andrew.mcelhinney2@nhs.scot or alex.defranco@phs.scot
You can subscribe to the SNUG podcast on the following platforms:
SNUG podcast on Apple podcasts SNUG podcast on Google podcasts SNUG podcast on Spotify

Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Moving into 2024 with Dr Cooper and Dr Weatherburn
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Welcome to 2024! Dr David Cooper, @davidcooper1975, co-chair of SNUG and GP in Old Machar Practice in Aberdeen, discusses the progress of GPIT Re-provisioning, challenges faced, especially by EMIS practices, and the broader landscape which includes a number of upcoming projects and technological advancements expected over the next 12 months. David hopes for efficiency savings through smarter use of IT, including DACS systems, AI, Power Automate, Microsoft Forms, and the new SharePoint environment.
No new year would be complete without meeting up with Dr Chris Weatherburn, @ChrisWeatherbu1, to discuss his reading recommendations for the new year. We also, unexpectedly, tap into some of the wisdom of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Unstoppable by Dave Anderson. Dealing with changes in life is inevitable, and we have to be ready for both wins and losses. You have the power to change your own attitudes and how you respond to challenges.
Chris Weatherburn review on YouTube.
How to find a black cat in a dark room by Jacob Burak. Will power is a finite resource – use it wisely and focus on intention rather than outcome for personal goals and projects.
Chris Weatherburn review on YouTube.
Be useful – seven tools for life by Arnold Schwarzenegger. There is nothing more energizing than chasing a vision. Make sure others know about your dream and act as if it had already happened. However, rest is not just for babies and relaxation is not just for retired people!
Arnold Schwarzenegger discusses origin of “Be Useful” book title on YouTube.
SNUG is holding a Migrations Training Day on Wednesday 24th of April 2023 in the Westerwood Hotel Cumbernauld. Contact alex.defranco@phs.scot for more details.

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Using video consultations in medical education
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Could video consultations have the potential to be a game changer in medical education? In this SNUG podcast interview, Dr. Richard Darnton @DrDarnton discusses his role in running the GP part of the Medical course at the University of Cambridge, and his role as director of the GP Education Group (GPEG), focusing on the emphasis on hands-on experience for medical students in general practice. He highlights the topic of video consultations in medical education, particularly in general practice. Dr. Darnton discusses the challenges faced by GPs in adopting video consultations, including issues of complexity, logistics, and the perception of limited benefits. He suggests the use of structured video clinics in general practice, and explores the benefits of video consultations for medical education, such as overcoming space constraints and providing valuable insights into patients' environments.
We discuss the experiences of students during the pandemic, where remote consultations became more prevalent. Study findings indicate that non-face-to-face consultations, including telephone and video, provide unique learning opportunities for students, improving their consultation skills and clinical reasoning.
We consider the infrastructure challenges of implementing video consultations in medical education, including the need for waiting rooms, access to patient notes, and integrated consent functionalities. Dr. Darnton expresses optimism about the potential for innovative platforms to address these challenges and enhance medical education. He encourages a shift in mindset and embracing technology for the benefit of both education and clinical care.
Any feedback or comments are welcome via email: andrew.mcelhinney2@nhs.scot or alex.defranco@phs.scot.
Why do GPs rarely do video consultations? Qualitative study in UK general practice BJGP paper

Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Discussing general practice in Scotland and England with Dr Gandalf
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
GPs in England and Scotland are trying to do a broadly similar job - they both work within the NHS, yet they have different contracts, different organisational and digital infrastructures and different GP clinical systems. They both face similar challenges in terms of workload, prescribing, sustainability and increased demand. Additional team members like pharmacists, physiotherapists, mental health nurses and ANPs are reshaping the way we organise care. The digital health and social care strategies in both countries are broadly similar with a focus on digital transformation and giving patients increased access to their own records. Today we discuss all of this and more with the Digital and Tech GP Dr Gandalf @drgandalf52 who gives us some advice on meeting all of these challenges and how to use some new tech tools which can help us work more efficiently, like a new tool called Nabla co-pilot which can transcribe and summarise consultations! Don’t miss it.
Any feedback or comments are welcome via email: andrew.mcelhinney2@nhs.scot or alex.defranco@phs.scot.
What is the NHS Spine? The NHS app
What is eGPlearning? eGPlearning website Youtube eGPlearning site
Video consultations in General Practice
SCA essential tech tips to pass
Quick clinician notes in healthcare with AI by Nabla Copilot
Agenda and Registration for November 29 SNUG Conference at Westerwood Hotel, Cumbernauld

Friday Sep 22, 2023
A National Digital Platform for Scotland
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
The National Digital Platform (NDP) is an open technology platform developed by NES (NHS Education for Scotland) in collaboration with multiple partners from across health and social care. It aims to make it simpler to deliver technology that improves the care and well-being of people in Scotland. The platform brings together cloud-based digital components and services to provide technology solutions for the public sector in Scotland. It offers a range of technology services, including an identity management service, application programming interfaces (APIs), and an application development framework.
In this episode, we find out more from Dr Paul Miller, who is the Clinical Informatics Lead at NHS Education for Scotland Technology Service, a working GP, and also the Co-chair of the openEHR Clinical Program Board. Paul has been a long-term member of the National Vision Users’ group and Primary Care Informatics / SCIMP, before working for the NES Technology Service. We discuss the changes in general practice, the concept and development of the National Digital Platform (NDP), the electronic ReSPECT application, what the migration challenges are, the need for coexistence with commercial systems, and the importance of incremental change in transforming healthcare systems. The shift toward separating data from applications and adopting digital health platforms will be a long-term, iterative process and require strong clinical leadership.
The ultimate goal is to design services around patients rather than around healthcare systems, allowing patients to access and manage their own data.
Any feedback or comments are welcome via email: andrew.mcelhinney2@nhs.scot or alex.defranco@phs.scot . Paul Miller on X/Twitter: @docpaulmiller.
National Digital Platform - The open technology platform for Scotland
Video explainer on the Digital Platform from Digifest 2022
ReSPECT and Open EHR video from Digifest 2022

Monday Aug 21, 2023
Discussing digital transformation with Prof Bob Wachter
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
We are delighted to welcome Professor Bob Wachter in this episode of the SNUG podcast.
He is Professor and Chair of the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), a highly influential voice in the worlds of medicine and Health IT, renowned for his book "The Digital Doctor"and the 2016 Wachter Report on NHS digitalization. He joins us to discuss a wide range of current topics, including the future prospects for healthcare, with a particular focus on the impact of digitalization, consumer expectations, and the balance between technology and human interaction in medicine.
We discuss the trends in both US and UK in terms of digitalisation, increasing demand for health care, and the impact of technology on doctor-patient interactions, as well as the rapid advancements in AI, and how healthcare delivery may be reshaped in the future.
We look at issues of trust, bias, and the potential consequences of over-reliance on machines, including “automation complacency”. And finally, we explore the dynamic use of social media, particularly X/Twitter, in combating misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Professor Wachter discusses his social media journey, emphasizing the role of trusted voices in providing reliable information during crises.
Any feedback or comments are welcome via email: andrew.mcelhinney2@nhs.scot or alex.defranco@phs.scot
You can subscribe to the SNUG podcast on the following platforms:
SNUG podcast on Apple podcasts SNUG podcast on Google podcasts SNUG podcast on Spotify
Robert Wachter on The Digital Doctor
Bob Wachter's Viral Tweet and Thoughts on AI in Medicine
A Fireside Chat with Eric Topol
ChatGPT: Will It Transform the World of Health Care?
UCSF Department of medicine videos on Youtube
In the Bubble podcast - The Doctor Can't See You Now (with Dr. Christine Sinsky)
Prof Bob Wachter on X /Twitter @Bob_Wachter SNUG on X /Twitter @SNUsersGroup

Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Digital asynchronous collaboration – using Engage
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
In this episode, we return to the world of Digital Asynchronous Consulting Systems (DACS) and ponder how digital changes might be implemented in general practice during a time of chaos for the NHS, as it has its 75th Anniversary.
We get a fake 5-year old’s opinion on DACS systems, before hearing from Michael Wong and Sandeep Singh from Engage Health Systems, who have developed a system called Engage Consult, a digital asynchronous consultation system (DACS), which is already in use in England but is new to Scotland. We covered the following ground in the conversation:
- Why is Engage Consult a configurable digital asynchronous consultation system (DACS) that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of healthcare practices?
- How is collaboration with other services facilitated?
- How can implementation vary based on organizational structure, such as Primary Care Networks (PCNs) in England or a more practice-level focus in Scotland?
- What are the automation features for intelligent routing and assignment of patient requests?
- What is the integration with Vision and EMIS PC?
- How much will the system cost?
- How are implementation and support approached?
Video demonstrating the Engage Consult system from the SNUG Members Day 2023 (log in needed)

Saturday May 20, 2023
Unveiling the potential of AI in general practice
Saturday May 20, 2023
Saturday May 20, 2023
In this episode, we delve into the fascinating world of some of the new AI tools and their impact on healthcare and innovation. We explore the advancements in large language models like ChatGPT and the potential they hold for transforming the way we access medical information and provide care. We discuss the experiences of Dr Keith Grimes, an expert in digital health and innovation, as he shares his insights from working at Babylon and his own consultancy.
We unravel the main points, such as the importance of detailed instructions and questions for obtaining accurate results from language models. We touch upon the challenges and benefits associated with relying on AI for medical information, emphasizing the need for critical thinking and background understanding of medical concepts. Privacy considerations and the global access disparity in healthcare are also explored.
Join us as we navigate the promises and concerns surrounding language-based tools, shedding light on their potential to revolutionize healthcare while navigating the ethical and practical considerations. Get ready to expand your knowledge and gain insights into the future of healthcare in the age of AI.
Dr Gandalf and Keith Grimes discuss and demonstrate ChatGPT video: ChatGPT in healthcare
UCSF debate on Chat GPT in healthcare chaired by Bob Wachter video: ChatGPT: Will It Transform the World of Health Care?
The AI Revolution in Medicine: GPT-4 and Beyond
Dr Keith Grimes contacts: www.curistica.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drkeithgrimes/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/keithgrimes

Saturday Mar 11, 2023
Making the Right Decision
Saturday Mar 11, 2023
Saturday Mar 11, 2023
High risk medicines are defined as medicines that have a high risk of causing injury or harm if they are misused or used in error. Error rates with these medications are not necessarily higher than with any other medicines, but when problems occur, the consequences can be more significant. A number of high risk prescribing safety indicators have been identified.
We talk to Dr Ann Wales, @Ann_Wales who is the Programme Director for Knowledge and Decision Support at the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre, and she manages the National Decision Support Programme and its Right Decision Service.
We also hear from Dr Scott Jamieson, @DocScott82 a GP in Tayside and member of RCGP Scottish Council, who is one of the most enthusiastic GPs in Scotland and has an interest in Quality Improvement, among many other things. He has tried out the Right Decision Support tool which alerts prescribers to potentially harmful combinations of medications, using algorithms triggered by specific conditions, patient age, and values like blood pressure and renal function. All the GPs who have tried out the tool so far want to keep it!
Anyone who is a prescriber will be interested to hear more about this useful new tool, which will be made available across Scotland soon.
Scottish Polypharmacy guidance
BJGP paper with high risk prescribing indicators (table 2)

Friday Jan 20, 2023
In hours activity data, books and Chat GPT
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
How can we best measure the activity in general practice and measure how busy we really are?
The In-Hours GP Activity project is a collaboration between National Services Scotland (NSS), Public Health Scotland (PHS) and the Scottish Government to access, understand and improve the availability and consistency of activity data from in-hours general practice. A pilot was held during the autumn of 2022 to try out guidance to practices on encounter recording, collect data and try out a dashboard at practice level.
Numbers of “encounters” as recorded in the practice clinical systems and the corresponding “healthcare professional role” responsible for the encounter are made available as a by-product of documenting routine clinical care. Recording behaviour varies across and within practices, and to extend the project to cover all practices will require more work following feedback gained during the pilot. In this episode we have an interview with Dr Keith Moffat and Billy Davidson of NSS, who discuss the encouraging progress so far and planned next steps.
We hear from our friend of the podcast, Dr Chris Weatherburn, for his annual dose of inspiration and book recommendations. This year it’s all about Resilience, how to create new and sustainable habits, and being surrounded by idiots!
And finally at the end of a bumper episode, we note the emergence of a new level of “smarter” AI Chat GPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer), which uses deep learning algorithms to analyse and generate text, with some amazing results. We discuss it rather briefly but do manage to create a poem about a famous doctor from Dundee, and a limerick about SNUG!
Primary Care - In-hours General Practice Activity Visualisation
Dr Chris Weatherburn video review of Resilient by Rick Hanson and Surrounded by idiots